Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
An African-American Hero.
Martin Luther King Day
(third Monday of each year)
January 17, 2022
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run
then walk, if you can't walk then crawl,
but whatever you do, you have to
keep moving forward.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
"I Have A Dream" speech
Dr. King's Iconic Speech
Washington, D.C., August 28th
Running Time - 6:47
"Civil Rights Act" signed
by President Lyndon B. Johnson
Rev. Charles J. Elliott, Pastor at King Soloman
Missionary Baptist Church, remembers
Dr. King's visit to Louisville.
Louisville.KY, September 11, 2014
Running Time - 1:22
Dr. King discusses housng discrimination
Running Time - 1:22
Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali,
Dr. King and others with the media
Louisville.KY, March 30th
Running Time - 1:40
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness,
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate,
only love can do that."
Dr. King's Last Speech
Memphis, Tennessee, April 3rd
Running Time - 2:14
The Assassination of Dr. King
Memphis, TN, April 4th, 6:01p.m. CST
Running Time - 9:52
CBS News Television Report
of the Assassination of Dr. King
Running Time - 3:11
Dr. King's Funeral
Running Time - 3:15
The peculiar story of
James Earl Ray, the man who killed
Martin Luther King, Jr, on April 4th
Memphis, Tennessee
Running Time - 5:28
Assassination Witness Interview
50 Years Later, MSNBC News
Memphis, Tennessee, April 3rd
Running Time - 6:11
Interview with Sir Friendly C and Grand Master Khalid
at King Soloman Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky
January 17th
Running Time - 3:03
Interview with Bishop Dennis Lyons and
Mershorn Daniels, King Soloman Baptist Church
Louisville, Kentucky, January 17th
Running Time - 2:44
What is Your Life's Blueprint?
Barratt Junior High School, Philadelphia, PA
Running Time - 6:11
Martin Luther King Jr.
National Memorial
in Washington D.C.
“In the end, we will remember not the words
of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
― Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
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