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~ The Louisville Map ~
... an inter-active map of the
Louisville Metropolitan Area,
expandable to a world view
Navigation control: use the + plus/zoom in, and - minus/zoom out tab and mouse to move up or down
Explore the Louisville metro area, attractions, parks, neighborhoods, downtown and much more!
Browse 360 degree inter-active panoramic street-level views, and interiors in some cases!
Find hotels, stores, shopping centers, restaurants, museums, pharmacies, addresses, ATM's, and more!
Plan a destination, locally or inter-state using routes by foot, bicycle, auto, air or public transportation
Check what's nearby, weather conditions, travel time, aerial images, real-time transportation updates and more!
Finalize plans, save, share, print directions, send to smartphones or embed the map!
~ Get Started ~
Click the "View larger map" link located inside the map box below. A new screen will appear and show a larger map next to a sidebar panel that defaults to Louisville content.
Click on any map location. The sidebar content will change to your selected site or area. Use the scroll bar narrowly situated between the map and sidebar to move up or down the sidebar box content.
Click on the +/- tab to zoom in and out on the map. Use your mouse to move up & down, and right and left . Mix the movements to take you all over Louisville Metro Area.
~ The Louisville Map ~
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